Honors and Awards
Recognitions at Full-time Job at Nokia, Ottawa

  1. In top 5 of Nokia'a got talent around the Globe
  2. Praise Excellence Award for early career empowered
  3. Delivered a talk to Nokia interns sharing my journey from intern to full-time employee
  4. Web Application Lead at Nokia's StrongHer Canada where I volunteered to handle technical things(June 2023 - present)
  5. Certifications on Kubernetes, Deep learning using Keras, Cloud from Nokia's internal learning portal
Leadership Recognitions

  1. ICPC Training Coach University of Windsor(Oct 2021 - Present): Conducting sessions for teaching data structures and algorithms
    for ICPC contest preparation
  2. Vice-chairperson IEEE CS MSIT(2019-2020): Responsible for organizing Tech events, Coding contests,
    and other technical sessions along with other core members.
  3. General Secretary IEEE CS MSIT(2018-2019): Responsible for documentation and organizing the Tech events with other core members.
    Was problem setter for three competitive coding contests organized by IEEE CS MSIT on HackerEarth and CodeChef.
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2018:
    Selected in MIT bootcamp in Brisbane, Australia
  5. Android SIG Head IEEE MSIT (Oct 2017 – Apr 2018): Conducted weekly sessions for android app development in java
Coding Recognitions

  1. Hackwithinfy 2020: In the top 500 of Hackwithinfy coding challenge out of 1,18,000+ participants from all over the country.
    Got pre-placement interview opportunity and landed a job offer at infosys.
  2. Codechef Snackdown 2019: Codechef Snackdown 2019 qualified. Round-1 global rank-445(Qualified for pre-elimination)
  3. ACM-ICPC: ACM-ICPC contest profile: click here
    Asia Kolkata-Kanpur Preliminary Online Contest Team: redSword, rank: 93, Ninety-third Place.
    Asia Amritapuri First Round Online Programming Contest Team: redSword, rank: 348, Honorable Mention
  4. Facebook hackercup 2018, 2019 and 2021: Facebook hackercup 2018, 2019, 2021 qualified
Academic Recognitions

  1. B.Tech in computer science and engineering Percentage: 87.6% (Top 10%)
  2. Class 12th(2016) (CBSE): Percentage: 94.2% [Non-Medical with computer science] awarded merit certificate and Trophy
  3. National Interactive Math Olympiad 2015: Got silver medal for National Interactive Math Olympiad in class 11th
  4. Class 10th(2014) (CBSE) : CGPA- 9.8/10 awarded merit certificate and Scholar Blazer
  5. Class 9th(2013) (CBSE) : Awarded super scholar badge
  6. Class 7th and 8th(2012, 2013) (CBSE) : Awarded scholar badge-1 and scholar badge-2 respectively
Research Recognitions

  1. Efficient Automated Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning Models
  2. Published in Journal of Healthcare Engineering(Impact factor 2.68)
  3. Predicting optimal diabetes drug management using AI/ ML – Developing a prototype clinical decision support algorithm.
  4. Published in European Congress of Endocrinology 2021
  5. Modified COVID-19 Indian and International Dataset for Automatic Prediction of Risk in an Individual Using
    Machine Learning Models using a Mobile APP
    Published in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics in 2021
  6. Air Pollution Prediction using RNN, LSTM and Hybrid of CNN and LSTM models
    Published in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (American Scientific Publishers) in 2020
  7. Deeper into Image Classification
    Published in the Springer Singapore conference in 2020. I presented the paper on February 21st, 2020.
  8. Drug prescription patterns and cost analysis of diabetes therapy in India: Audit of an endocrine practice
    Published in the publication descriptionIndian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2019.
    I presented the paper in SPEEDCON conference.
  9. Automation of Insulin Bolus Dose Calculation in Type 1 Diabetes
    Abstract published in the publication descriptionIndian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2020.
  10. A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models on Air Pollution Forecasting
    Published in the Scopus journal in 2020