"MERN Stack project"
Feb 2021 - present
Project Link Click here
Tech Stack:- React front end and Mongodb atlas at backend following MERN stack
AIM: To help school and college students plan their further studies
"DPAI- Disease Prediction using Artificial Intelligence"
March 2020
Project Link: click here
Tech Stack:- Android app, Java, Python, Machine learning, Firebase realtime database
AIM-1: To predict diseases[COVID-19, Heart problem, Diabetes] using AI models.
AIM-2: To provide the latest information on diseases from trusted sources including news channels like The times of India
"MSIT Connect"
*Published in Playstore
December 2018 - March 2020
Project Link: click here
Tech Stack:- Android app, Java, Firebase realtime database, authentication
*4.75 Playstore ratings, 250+ downloads
AIM-1: The app connects seniors/alumni and juniors of IP University, India.
AIM-2: The app gives realtime notifications of placements, events, timetable for all engineering students.
"Modified COVID-19 Dataset for Automatic Prediction"
April 2020 - August 2020
Project Link: click here
Tech Stack:- Python, Machine Learning, Data Analysis
AIM: Cleaned completely raw data of covid19, did analysis and applied Machine Learning to predict the risk
Research paper accepted in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics
"Interactive CV"
*Published on playstore
Aug 2017 - Nov 2017
Project Link: click here
Tech Stack:- Android development, Java, Animations, Firebase
Made my resume in the form of an Interactive android app with animations, authentication, and real-time firebase database.
*Published on playstore
June 2017 - Aug 2017
Project Link: click here
Tech Stack:- Android development, Java, Animations, SQLite
Todo app with push notification alerts, sound alerts, add/delete/modify features